Friday, April 16, 2010

Patience is a virtue...

...a virtue which I have not.

Apparently, not when it comes to things like jobs and making friends anyway.
I still haven't gotten any solid leads on a job.  BUT as my friend Patty reminded me the other night by chat, it has only been 8 days since I even left Peru.  Somehow time passed away and was reincarnated as a snail...or molasses. 

I left alot of really great friends in Peru, and so far (in these mere 8 days) it has been difficult to remember that making good friends takes time.  It took time in college, it took time in Peru, and it's looking like it will take time here in Denver as well. Shucks, I was hoping something about the friend-making process had changed in the last three years.

But, fortunately, I do have two very fantastic best friends that are here in Denver.  Best friends, that I have in fact known for 15 years.  I think that means I might be getting old.  The fact that I can say things like "15 years ago" and it doesn't put me diapers or preschool.  Ok ok, it puts me in 4th grade, but still.  Anyway, these girls are amazing, and I for one am very thankful that they are here in Denver.

I think I do this every time I move to a new location.  I flip out after an hour of being there because I haven't automatically made 10 new friends who I can hang out everyday with.  I think I am an instant gratification type person when it comes to adjusting to a new place/life.  I get all huffy when I don't feel settled right away.  Part of me thinks- I know I'm going to like it here, and I know I'm going to have friends, so why can't I just have them now?  Let's skip the whole waiting and getting to know you process.  Just be my friend already! 

What can I say?  I'm a little pragmatic at times.

Anyway, the hunt continues for the elusive job and friends.  My next tactical move for finding friends?  I signed up for a 3 hour cooking class Monday night.  Food and potential friends?

You betcha.


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