Sunday, April 11, 2010


Day 4 of life up North (of the equator)'s been...
Well, anyway.

My almost one-month old niece got baptized today. And this weekend has been full of conversations that go a little something like this.

"Who wants to Hold the baby?! Gillian! Do you want to hold the Baby??"

", no thanks, you're doing just fine holding the baby yourself"

"Oh come on! She's your niece....and a Baby! Of course you want to hold her!"

"No really, it's fine...I'm sure someone else wants to hold her"

"So you want to hold the baby?? Let me start walking over to you with the purpose of handing you a baby"

"No really, it's fine...oh're coming over to me now...errrr."

And then suddenly I find a very wobbly baby in my lap.

And then I am very much reminded of my natural aversion to babies.  I'm sorry.  Maybe you think I'm a terrible person, maybe you think I have no heart...maybe I don't, who knows, all I know is that I don't think I'm ever going to feel comfortable around tiny human beings. But I'm ok with that.

Anyway,  the point is, my niece was baptized and I'm sure was the world's cutest baptism baby, and there should be some photos coming up soon of all the awkward time with Aunt Gillian.  By the way, I will be back in Denver on Monday night.   No word about any of the jobs I've applied to yet, but here's hoping!


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