(My hand is raised.)
I don't know why I can't sleep, but in hopes of helping me achieve that lofty goal, I am composing this blog post to share this idea that's been gnawing at me a bit tonight.
Is it possible to live a simple life in the US?
This question I suppose surfaced earlier this evening as I began to think about all the things I "needed" to get in order to start my life in the US. Obviously, I need a job to be able to earn an income, but what about all the other stuff too? I got a cellphone to help me look for that job; I will be needing a car to get to job interviews and then to an actual job; I will be needing car insurance to drive that car; I will be needing health insurance to pay for something that might happen if I wreck that car; I will be needing an apartment to go home to after I work at that job; Food to eat so that I have enough energy to go to work; and in the words of the great king of Siam "et cetera, et cetera, et cetera"
These are all needs in the US...well, as far as I can figure out, these are the basic needs to live a fairly middle class life. That doesn't even include the luxuries of things like fully furnishing that apartment with appliances and other assorted things; computers; internet, television, (though some may consider those things necessities as well).
In Peru, I believe I lived a middle class lifestyle as well; but somehow it all seemed much easier to attain. I didn't need a car because I did well with public transportation, Cellphones were affordable, and not completely necessary because a lot of communication is still *gasp* face to face. Housing is affordable, and health insurance, though helpful for the big stuff, wasn't necessary to receive treatment at an affordable cost. I didn't have a television, and food was the least of my concerns as you could eat a 2 course meal with drink for as low as 4 soles ($1.33).

Is there a balance for me?
i think that you will find your balance pill.... i think you have to look and wait... and settle. step by step... day by day... jeje remember that here you were living with friends too... and.... *cough* how many cell phones did you go through? *cough* ...maybe... people in the states wont be so excited to steal your 14 dollar phone :D so it will end up being cheaper that a few from toccora. jeje
and if that doesnt work out... the 5 year olds almost made me cry today so you could come help me out with that :) i need someone to teach me how to be more aggressive. how to raise my voice. and how to make a stern look.
i miss you. :)
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