And thus begins my most recent change. I, Gillian Dawn Baikie, am beginning my new chapter, turning over my new leaf, and cultural-shockedly entering life in the United States once more after three enchantingly fantastic years of living life as a Peruvian in Trujillo, Peru.
So far, I know this much- I have been in North America for over 12 hours, and already feel like a) I want to go back immediately and b) I don't know if I can do this. However, try I must, and try I shall.
This blog will be my adjustment journal, my most current life-chapter's chronicles of how surprisingly hard or easy it might be to move back to the States, back into my old house, find a job in my old profession, make new friends and get in touch with the old ones, and basically start all over again....just in time for my 25th birthday.
I make no promises about this blog, because I have no idea what sort of form it will even begin to take, but I will try to write often, try to write wittily, and try to keep the grammatical errors to a minimum
Well...what do you think? Shall we give it a go?
i hope you write every day so i can read your blog with my morning coffee and pretend like you are still here :) but then you would probably require me to post on mine everyday and well... thats just not happening. ha
and i would say that im going to look for the grammatical errors... but i won't lie i make them/would miss them just the same.
ps i'm listening to jon foreman in your honor. ..jultons sleeping jiji
i miss you.
but remember to enjoy all the changes gillian, not all of it is going to be painful... its going to be fun and exciting and sometimes just as awkward as being handed a handful of chicken feathers bones and all. :)
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