And now that I'm back in the US and will be here for quite some time (thank you college loans). I thought it was only fit that I have a companion. Plus I think that all the stress of culture shock had shaved a few years off of my life, and since dogs help people be healthier and live longer, I figured it wouldn't hurt to tip the old life expectancy scales back in my favor.
So I've had dogs on the brain for the past month, and then by sheer coincidence, I accidentally walked into the Denver Dumb Friends League Adoption Center.
Then I accidentally strolled along seeing a lot of really really truly adorable dogs. Big Dogs, Small Dogs, fat dogs, skinny dogs All sorts of dogs is what I'm getting at here.. And then. I saw him.
Kennel 3C. Staring up at me with dark eyes, a wagging tail, and hair that looked like it had recently gone through electroshock therapy. Meet my new BFF and culture shock companion-
Moche, the canine formerly known as "Thunder" was a stray picked up in Pagosa and brought to Denver. I don't know for sure his thoughts on being taken to a new city without necessarily wanting to go there; but I think I can commiserate with him, which is why he is my new friend forever.
He's a 3 year old terrier something or another and is just cute as a darn button. At least I think so. From what I can tell he's a good dog, and likes long walks on a leash, reading love poems, piƱa coladas and getting caught in the rain.

Moche is available for photo shoots and playdates. But call soon, as I'm sure his schedule will be filling up fast. I mean...just look at him.
i didn't know that this new blog existed but i'm excited to find that it does
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