Thursday, May 13, 2010

cue up angelic music...

Ok So it's been forever since I've blogged.

Does that have to do with the fact that:

a) I've been away for 3 of the 4 weeks that I've actually lived in the States?
b) I have been reluctant to blog because of the rough transition back in the US?
c) I haven't had anything to blog about because of no job?
d) I was busy in these last 3 days getting a job?
e) All of the above

The correct answer is e.
But let's take a moment and focus on d.

Yes that's right folks! I no longer have to check the "unemployed" box on surveys, applications, and other assorted documents.   As of about 10 o clock this morning, you can count me as a full-time employee of Citron Workspaces.

But Gillian...that office sound familiar! 

Oh yes my friends, that's because you may remember Citron Workspaces from my previous US life.  I worked there for awhile doing an internship while I was still in college.  I called them up about 2 weeks ago to meet up with my old bosses to catch up and to see if they knew anybody was hiring and if they could give me a recommendation.  Well, imagine my surprise (and elation) when I found out that they were excited to hear from me because they had an open position.  They let me know that they were very hopeful that I would be interested in taking it, and I let them know that I was very hopeful that they would give it to me.  Yada yada yada, cut to two weeks later. BAM. I'm employed.

So you know, if the spirit moves you, you can start singing the Doxology now.  And if not, maybe you can just be silently happy that I can start to afford things now.   I know I am.

P.s.  Here's a fun fact.  I can work 2 days at Citron and make just as much money as is needed to live comfortably for one month in Peru.  No, it's not that I make that much at's just that the cost of living is so cheap in Peru.


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