Saturday, May 21, 2011

I think I wiped out a rain forest somewhere...

Well, supposedly the world is set to start ending at 6pm tonight.  I figured I should at least get one last blog post in to leave my legacy.   Though I guess if the world's ending it's not really going to matter anyway.

Hm.   Anyway...

It's finally sunny here for the first time in what seemed like forever (but really it was 5 days of rain).   Weather conditions can really get me down if it's gray for too long.   And it was especially tricky this week to have the weather getting me down.  Why?   Well.  I'll tell you.

After a loooooooooong (I'd add more "o's" but that's an obnoxious amount already) time, I was finally able to submit all of the evidence to the lawyer for Jamesson and I.

And at this point in my blog post, you might either be saying "Hey! That's great news!"  Or you might be saying "What the heck are you talking about??"   I can't remember if I've mentioned this before, but we're engaged. (Yippeee!) And because the world works the way it does right now,  Jamesson is not allowed to marry me, until Uncle Sam says "welcome to my country."  

And how does one get an invitation into Uncle Sam's country?  

A lot of paperwork.

The first step in a process that I still don't know all the ins and outs of but thank God my aunt was able to recommend a good lawyer that does and is helping us, is to get together a lot of evidence of our relationship to submit with the application.   We had to gather documents, passports, birth certificates, drivers licenses, tax info, e-mails, photos that are dated and labeled with the names of anyone else included in the photos, letters (plus envelopes), emails, chat conversations, phone bills, affidavits from people who know us, proof of insurance, wedding plans (for a wedding that we're still not sure if Jamesson will make it to), and a slough of other items to say that we a too legit to quit.

So now you know how I've been spending the last few months of my life.  With a lot of paper cuts. BUT the good, no...the great, no....the FANTASTIC news is that FINALLY we had all the evidence we needed gathered and I handed the very large stack over to the lawyer on Thursday.  It was a big relief.  However, now we start the waiting game.

How does it work?  

We wait; for an undisclosed amount of time.

Know any card games?


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