*Sigh* The world may never know. Scratch that. I'll never know. It does me no good if the whole world knows and I don't.
Anyway, I'm not really sure what I want to write about. The spirit is willing, but the thoughts are jumbled. BUT with that being the case, I will talk about the most recent really fun thing I've done lately and how it is that I actually got to do it.
Alice 105.9 is a radio station here in Denver. They play alot of top 40 songs, but their afternoon radio hosts Slacker and Steve are really funny, so I like to tune in for the show and then change the station anytime Ke$ha comes on (she makes me want to drive a spike through my eye). I digress.
Slacker and Steve have a lot of listener interaction, and everyday they'll have some sort of a topic that you can call in for and share your story. If you have the best story, then you get some sort of a prize. A couple weeks ago, I was listening and the topic was "I have never..." They were wanting to hear stories about something that you've never done that most people have.
I wasn't planning on calling in until they announced the prize- two tickets to the Cake concert!
I quickly dialed and got through, and was able to tell the story that I have never been to a football game. Yep it's true. Never ever. Not a high school game, not a college game, not a professional game. Oddly enough, I've been to all sorts of other sporting events- Basketball; hockey; soccer; heck, I've even been to curling matches, but never a football game.
Slacker and Steve were shocked, and because of my football deficiency, I was able to score those tickets. I went with Missy to the Ogden Theater (which is a fantastic Colfax Theater by the way), and we got there just in time to score some pretty decent standing room only spaces.

If you ever get the chance to see Cake live, do it. Unfortunately in this day and age, singers don't necessarily have to know how to sing well, and musicians don't necessarily have to be able to play their instruments well. So even though it shouldn't be a rarity, it is always pleasant to find a band that performs just as well if not better live than they do on their CDs.
Plus, they gave away a tree in the middle of the concert. Who wouldn't like them?
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