Saturday, February 26, 2011

Things That Fascinate Me...

I've always been a fairly crafty type.  But let's just stop and define crafty for a moment.

There's this type of crafty:

Which I am not.

And there's the type of crafty that I fancy myself to be.  The type of crafty that sees old objects in the thrift stores and can re-purpose them to be something that is no less than awesome.  So what have I been into lately?   Maps and Globes, my friend.  Maps...and...Globes.

I've always had a strong sense of wanderlust and therefore, have always loved things related thereto.  So over the past few months I've been starting to gather things like Vintage postcards, old maps, and of course, Globes!   My first find was a sweet 5 dollar globe (thank you goodwill) on a wooden stand which will look so nice between my two old rattan barrel chairs that I purchased earlier this year (thank you craigslist).     And then today, I went to the Habitat for Humanity Thrift store and when I walked in- there it was gleaming in the florescent light.  Another globe for a whopping $6.50.  I've been on the lookout for another globe lately because of a project that I've been wanting to do.   So, my bloggy friends- feast your eyes on this-

Not my actual globe.  Mine's still drying and I'm too impatient to wait and take the picture before I post.

It's a chalkboard globe!   I took home my $6.50 globe, purchased my 4 dollar spray can of chrome Krylon along with my 5 dollar spray can of chalkboard paint, and Ta-daaah I am now the proud owner of the coolest thing I've made this year.


Julie said...

i like this post, a lot.

Gillian said...

I like you, a lot.

By the way, I saw something the other day and I thought JULIE NEEDS TO MAKE THIS! And I cannot for the life of me remember what it was....something food-like.

I'm going to ponder this for a bit.

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