Sunday, June 27, 2010

Just another Saturday Night.

 A Summer Saturday night.  The temperature during the day was 90 some odd degrees, a summer rainstorm blew in, blew out, and lowered that a bit at night, and the evening is closing in.  What do to, what to do?

Well, if you live in Denver, and have friends that are into the Twilight Saga, you head on over to Sloan's Lake park to see an outdoor screening of the second movie in the series.  I love love love watching movies outdoors and even though I can't claim to be a true Twilight fan (I haven't even finished the first book, and I probably wouldn't have started the first book if my friends wouldn't have peer pressured me into it), it was still fun to go watch it and see everyone else there that was so very into it.

And when I say "into it" I actually mean "dress-up-like-vampires-wear-assorted-twilight-paraphernalia-scream-at-the-top-of-your-lungs-when-your-favorite-character-appears-on-screen into it."   Oh yeah, that kind of into it.

I just thought we were going to see an outdoor movie.  Little did I know that when I got there, it was actually a screening that was set up to promote the release of the next movie in the series.  And at this screening, they had games, gave out twilight buttons, and had 2 actors from the movie there.  So the two actors weren't the big time actors, but that didn't stop the twilight fans from breaking out into hysterics when they came by.  I was walking up right as the actors were arriving, and right about the time the screeches of teenage girls (and some older women...and men for that matter) started to shatter glass.  It was loud, but I happily side-stepped the commotion and while everyone was pushing and shoving their way to get to the actors,  I snagged a nice spot on the grass with a fantastic view of the screen.  The three of us that were there enjoyed a delicious pesto pasta dinner (thanks Ruth), Salad and fruit (thanks King Soopers grocery store) and appropriately enough, Sarah brought a sparkling Blood Orange drink for us to sip on while we watched the vampires and werewolves under the stars and full moon.

A little bit later, a girl dressed up with her twilight garb excitedly walked by with a friend, recounting her celebrity experience and said the funniest thing I heard all night.

"OH MY GOD! He was sooooo close!  I could SMELL him!!!"

Ah, young love.


Julie said...

i love this.... i miss things like this.... i miss you!

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